My Most Wonderful Friend Jane

Created by Jacqui one year ago

For those of you who didn't get to or virtually attend Jane's funeral here is what I read:

I moved to 16 Sandown Road March 2005 and around mid-June my daughter Natalie dashed into the bedroom saying Mum, I need you to drive me to the station as my alarm clock didn’t go off – we have no electricity and can I borrow some money for lunch!  As I dashed into the office to get my bag, I took two paces into 4” of water – ah the reason for no electricity!!  I ran Natalie to the station and then went next door to number 18 as we had no water on that side of the house and I couldn’t work out where it had come from.  Hi I said, I’m Jacqui from next door – do you have any problems with your water at all as we are flooded in the office?  “OH MY GOD NO, IM SO SORRY!  I heard running water in the night and found it was my outside tap”.  She had watered the baskets, with a spray hose, wound the hose back and forgot to turn off the tap.  The pressure had built up and burst the hose off the tap and proceeded to fill up my office like a swimming pool with perfectly clear water through the wall.  One insurance job and a few months later and all was well.
I was going on holiday end of August and went next door.  Jane, I said, seeing as you are so good with water, do you think you could water my tomatoes and hanging baskets while I am away?!  Therein started the most wonderful friendship, that has sadly ended far too soon.
My kids always call her crazy Jane.  She was always so full of life and that explosion of a cackle of laughter just cannot be mimicked!  At least once a week she would ‘pop’ round with a bottle or two of good rioja or Malbec and we’d have an evening of dinner and cheese until about 2am where I had to hang onto my front door while I watched her stagger back to hers, shouting out “are you there yet” and hanging on until I heard the door slam.  Oh how we used to laugh.   She made some statement one day about how she didn’t really like wine!!!!!  Oh my god, how I laughed – well what the hell have we been drinking these last 8 years??  As for the Port evening where she retrieved something from her under stairs cupboard, I don’t think my head has ever recovered!
The shouts over the fence, is it tea time and on would go the kettle in one house or the other.  If it wasn’t that it was Pimms O’Clock with all her work buddies on a Friday in the Summer.   And what an amazing cook she was.  The kitchen was a bombsite, but oh the delicious tastes that came out of that kitchen.
The trips to the garden centres where we would while away time, choosing the plants we wanted and an even bigger selection of jams, pickles and biscuits to go with our wine and cheeses!
We had monthly cinema tickets where we could just troll out and see as many films as we wanted, with her often having to elbow me because I was snoring (due to a sinus problem at that time!).  She got me back in those last two weeks of her life by falling asleep when I called her!  Eventually she started the Southwick Revue Sunday Afternoon Club at her place, where we put the world to rights on various points over either Pimms, crisps & dips, or Tea and cakes, before eventually getting down to the film we had selected.
I was devastated when she moved to Cantley, but we made up for it with two and a half hour phone calls, hanging up just before the hour, taking it in turns, so we did not get charged.  How we cursed when we used to get the bill when we’d gone a few minutes over!  I already miss those calls.
We went to so many music concerts.  Ludovico Einaudi, many times, Loreena Mckennit at the Royal Albert Hall (where I learnt she sang just slightly out of key!)  Ibiza Classics at the 02 up in the Gods, with Jane and Natalie freaking out at the height and my Son George and I dancing our hearts out!  A wonderful day spent at Kew Gardens, followed by the Gypsy Kings.  I developed a sole blister and had to borrow Jane’s size 8 or 9 Fit Flops to walk home while she went bare foot as I couldn’t use my shoes!  My feet are a size 4!!  But how we danced despite that blister!   High Flying Birds at Earlham Park, where we were probably the oldest there, with our picnic chairs, blanket and raincoats with all the youngsters laughing at us in their less than pelmet shorts and bra tops.  But how we laughed at them when it was raining! 
She would introduce me to her music and I to mine and we loved our varied tastes.  The one thing I could never get her to though, was musicals!
The list of our outings to cinema, plays and music is endless and my buddy will be greatly missed.  But Jane is with me every day as there is always something on the radio to remind me of her and I have so many wonderful memories and gifts to treasure.